Rupee Standard For Merchants

Bringing The Billion-Dollar Crypto Market To Your Business

Benefits for Merchants

Exceptional liquidity

For exchanges, Rupee Standard Tokens offer attractive functionality for traders and allows large-scale liquidity to enter the exchange efficiently.

Stability in a highly volatile market

Rupee Standard tokens represent a stable asset for corporate and professional investors to avoid price fluctuations during times of consolidation and volatility.

Simple integration

With comprehensive integration guidelines and support from the team at Rupee Standard, integrating Rupee Standard tokens is an easy way to attract a new market for your business.

Innovative and up-to-date

Rupee Standard tokens support multiple blockchain protocols: Algorand, Avalanche, Ethereum, EOS, Liquid Network, Near, Omni, Polygon, Solana, Bitcoin Cash's Standard Ledger Protocol, Statemine, Statemint, Tezos, and Tron.